getSection 8 Application Approved Fast

Get Section 8 Application Approved Fast 2024

Are you waiting years just to hear back about your Section 8 application? I know how it feels. The long delays are frustrating when you desperately need rental assistance. But don’t lose hope! You can make some smart moves to get approved faster rather than pulling your hair out. It takes some strategy—but with preparation and patience, you can get Section 8 approval much faster. Don’t settle for long waits when a few smart moves can speed things up!

8 Ways to Get Section 8 Application Approved Fast

Do Your Paperwork Right the First Time

I know filling out forms can be a drag, but taking your time and providing detailed, accurate information on the Section 8 application and other required paperwork is important. Leaving anything blank or unclear is just going to slow things down and lead to more back and forth. So be thorough from the start – it’ll make the process smoother for everyone.

Get Requested Items 

In ASAP When the housing authority asks you for more documents, paperwork, or information, get that stuff back to them fast. Don’t let it sit on your to-do list. The quicker you can provide what they need, the faster your application can progress. Stay on top of it!

Check-In Now and Then 

There’s nothing wrong with periodically calling or swinging by the housing office to follow up on your application status politely. It shows you care and keeps your case from slipping through the cracks. A little nudge now and then can motivate them to move faster, too.

Make Sure You’re Qualified 

Before you apply, carefully check that you meet all the eligibility requirements for income, work status, criminal history, etc. If you’re lacking in any area, see what you can do to improve your qualifications. Meeting the criteria from the start prevents headaches down the road.

Get Your Documents in Order 

Do yourself a favor, gather important papers like IDs, tax returns, pay stubs, and birth certificates, and have them ready to submit. Missing documents are an easy way to stall your application. Pull together what you need upfront to hand it over when requested.

Boost Your Application 

While you’re waiting, look for ways to strengthen your application, like taking a money management class, getting a job, or anything to show you’re trying to improve your situation. The more qualified you look on paper, the faster they may approve you.

Ask If You’re Unsure 

If any part of the application or process has you scratching your head, pick up the phone! The housing authority would rather clarify things upfront than deal with mistakes later. Being proactive shows you want to get it right. No dumb questions!

Stick With It 

Section 8 can take some time and patience. But staying organized, following up, and showing you’re committed to getting assistance can help speed up the process. Persistence and politeness will pay off!

Tips to Get Section 8 Application Approved Fast

Look for Preference Qualifications

Many housing authorities prioritize applicants who meet certain preferences, like being elderly, disabled, homeless, or a veteran. Review the preference criteria and see if you may qualify for priority status to move up the waiting list faster.

Increase Your Family Size

Since larger families get priority for needing larger units, having another child or adding qualifying members to your household can help boost your waiting list status. Just be sure everyone meets eligibility requirements.

Improve Your Circumstances

Finding employment, attending job training programs, or increasing your income while waiting can make you a more qualified applicant and help improve your priority status.

Ask About Special Programs

Inquire with the housing authority about special programs like Family Unification or Non-Elderly Disabled that maintain separate waiting lists. You may be able to get on faster than the general list.

Consider Project-Based Units

Getting on lists for project-based Section 8 units tied to specific properties can have shorter wait times than tenant-based vouchers. However, options will be more limited.

Have Flexible Location Preferences

Broadening your acceptable locations, rather than being tied to a specific area, can increase options and allow you to take the first available opening even if it’s not your top choice area.

Apply Broadly

Applying to multiple housing authority lists across a wider geographic area can give you more chances of getting selected from one of the pools faster.

Follow Up Frequently

Check in politely with the housing authority regularly to confirm your application is active and ask if any priorities have changed that could affect your waiting list status.

Who Typically Gets Priority?

Those Facing Homelessness

Applicants who are homeless or at serious risk of becoming homeless are often prioritized for available vouchers to get them housed quickly.

Elderly Applicants

Many housing authorities give preference to elderly applicants over 62 who need rental assistance. Age qualifies them for priority status.

People with Disabilities

Those with qualifying disabilities that prevent independent living are frequently prioritized for vouchers to help them access affordable and accessible housing.

Victims of Domestic Violence

Survivors fleeing domestic violence situations may get priority status in some areas due to urgent safety needs.


Former military members often receive preference for Section 8 vouchers as a service for those who served the country.

Very Low-Income Households

Applicants with extremely low household incomes below 30% of the area median income may qualify for priority as the neediest cases.

Families with Children

Larger families in need of bigger rental units may get priority for available vouchers with 3 or more bedrooms to accommodate their size.

Bottom Line

Section 8 can take time and patience. But you’re not just stuck waiting and hoping. Staying organized, meeting all requirements, and persistently following up can help speed up the process.

Do your paperwork thoroughly, reply quickly when needed, and keep in touch on your status. Look for chances to better your situation while you wait. Every little bit helps.

It may take some effort. But you can give your application a boost with preparation and diligence. Don’t settle for long waits when a few smart moves could mean getting approved faster. You’ve got this!


How can I get my Section 8 application approved faster?

Carefully complete all paperwork, meet eligibility criteria, and respond quickly to any requests to help avoid delays. Check in regularly on your status and look for ways to improve your qualifications.

Does following up on my application help?

Yes, polite calls or visits to check your status show interest and can help prevent your case from stalling. But be patient and don’t badger them.

What improves my chances of getting approved?

Meeting all requirements, having organized documents ready, and boosting credentials like income, training, etc., can improve qualification and priority status for faster approval.

Does my credit score matter for Section 8?

Yes, many housing authorities review credit and may deny it for very low scores or unpaid debts. Try to resolve any major issues before applying.

Will I get approved faster if I’m homeless?

Applicants facing homelessness typically get priority status, which can significantly reduce waiting list time, given the urgent housing need.

Should I apply to multiple waiting lists?

Yes, casting a wide net with several housing authorities can increase the chances of getting pulled from a list faster than just applying to one.

How can I get priority placement on the list?

Qualifying for certain preferences like disability, having minor children, or veteran status can help you get priority consideration and reduce wait times.

Does my criminal record affect approval speed?

Yes, offenses like drug or violent crimes may cause denial or delays for additional review. Discuss your history to determine eligibility.

What if my income is too high to qualify right now?

You may need to wait and reapply later when your income exceeds thresholds. The limit is typically 50-80% of the area median income.

How long does the approval process take?

It varies widely but can range from 2-12 months once your name is pulled from the waiting list, given the paperwork and interviews required.

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